November 5-13, 2021

Ekam Leader’s Circle

Ekam Leaders Circle is for those who desire to take their current achievements and their spiritual aspirations to the highest level. It is to become an enlightened leader who lives and functions from their greatest potential.

A Ten Dimensional Mandala

Ekam Leaders Circle is designed as a 10 dimensional Mandala. Each of these dimensions are the aspects of an enlightened leadership. When all 10 dimensions become awakened in you, you emerge into an enlightened leader. These 10 dimensions are what Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji see as the exalted qualities of leadership.

Each Mandala or dimension is a year long journey. After you complete 9 days of the course under the direct mentoring of Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji, and 3 days of deepening in Ekam, the disciples or Dasas will be hand holding you for the next 52 weeks to establish you in that dimension, until you come for the next dimension in the following year.

What are the costs involved?

  • The first year or dimension of the Leaders Circle Mandala is $100,000 per person.
  • The second and subsequent dimensions are $60,000 per year per person.
  • If a couple chooses to join the Ekam Leaders Circle together, at the same time, the price is $85,000 per person ($170,000 per couple) for the 1st year and $55,000 per person for the subsequent years.
  • All amounts are in US Dollars.

This year the Leaders Circle course will be held from November 5 – 13, 2021 outside of Cancun in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico at Mahekal Beach Resort.

50% of your course fee will be invoiced and is payable by September 26th, 2021. The balance will be due by October 10, 2021. Travel expenses, airfare and accommodations are to be borne by the participants. A special reservation link will be provided to attendees after your participation is confirmed.

Please note that all Participants will be required to follow Covid-19 protocols required by the venue. Currently, all guests are required to show a negative Covid test upon arrival. These requirements are subject to change.

How does one join the Ekam Leader’s Circle?

Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji have envisioned that they will mentor 740 leaders from around the world into becoming enlightened leaders. Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji see that their enlightened consciousness would undoubtedly impact the eco-systems around them and bring about huge shifts in the collective consciousness of leaders.

To become an Ekam Leader there is a special selection process. Upon completion of the registration form, we will send you confirmation of your selection and course fee invoice to your registered email address.

* Heading 6, besides being recommended for intro headings above larger headings, as shown on the top of the text, can also be used for footnotes and the like, as shown here.

Heading 6

Heading 1

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Regular text

Usage Guidelines

1. HEADING 1: There should be only one “Heading 1” per page. It’s usually reserved for either the page title or the main headline. The other headings can be used as often as needed on a page.

2. READABILITY: When populating a page with written content, if possible, try breaking it up as in this example to make the text more readable.

3. HORIZONTAL LINE: To add a horizontal line, use this tag: <hr> (in Text view; not in Visual view).

4. EXCERPT: To entice users to read the whole thing, include an excerpt at the top, within 2 horizontal lines and formatting it with Heading 5, as shown.

5. REGISTRATION BUTTON. As you’ll see, on this page I’ve also altered the font and size of the registration button to decrease its “loudness”.

6. SECOND COLUMN. You can use this page as clonable template for all future events. As far as the second column, consider it using it to have secondary information here too. However, if you prefer to use a single-column cloneable page, you’ll find it here:

For your convenience, the other sites also include these sample 1- and 2-column pages.

Registration Form

    FOA Registration Form (Germany)









